Index of Posts

2024 Non Stat Consultation on EWR- HS2’s Badly-Behaved little Brother whose Parents have learnt no Lessons for his Upbringing. 9/12/2024
Is EWR CS3 A Boondoggle? – Update 30/8/2024
EWR – our latest views 30/7/2024
Cambridge Maps 22/7/2024
Clapham to Caxton Gibbet 22/7/2024
EWR Bedford to Cambridge: Does it reduce CO2 emissions? 28/5/2024
EWR Construction 16/5/2024
2022 Detailed Maps Again 16/5/2024
Cambourne to Great Shelford 17/4/2024
EWR CS3 and the Borders Railway myth 05/04/2024
EWR Briefing and Discussion – Recordings 26/3/2024
EWR Briefing and Discussion 10/3/2024
Will EWR make it quicker to get out and about across the UK? 10/11/2023
The Elizabeth Line, EWR CS3, Optimism Bias and Housing Finances 8/10/2023
How many Cambridge Jobs will EWR support? 25/7/2023
Reflections on the Eversdens and Harston EWR Drop-In Events June 22 & 26th 2023 29/6/2023
The Meaning of the Triple Helix 27/5/2023
EWR Bedford to Cambridge: Who is Responsible for the Spatial Plan? 1/4/2023
The Savanta study: do people support the East West Railway? 21/1/2023
UK Rail Finances, EWR and Northern Powerhouse Rail 14/12/2022
The Case Against East West Rail’s Central Section 10/11/2022
Reflections on EWRCo.’s Haslingfield Drop-In Event 12th October 2022 16/10/2022
EWR: What is it Actually for? 8/10/2022
East West Rail Co. Have Overstated EWR Benefits 5/9/2022
Outstanding Information Requests to EWRCo. August 2022 Update 25/8/2022
Briefing Note for EWR Drop In 19th July 2022 29/6/2022
Will the EWR Compete with Road? 13/5/2022
A Trip to Bedford 3/5/2022
Network Rail EWML Strategic Statement 6/4/2022
A letter to the Transport Secretary 19/3/2022
Outstanding Information Requests to EWR Co. 2/2/2022
Has Work Been Suspended on the Central Section of the EWR? 26/1/2022
OxCam Arc, Local Plan Update and the EWR Central Section 12/9/2021
Northern approach – avoiding 4-tracking north of Cambridge 21/6/2021
20th June Tour of the EWR Proposed Route 5/6/2021
Bite-Sized Videos 2/6/2021
Do EWR Cambridge Approaches Need 4-Tracking? 23/5/2021
Wildlife and Landscape Impacts of EWR’s Preferred Southern Route into Cambridge versus CBRR’s Northern Route 21/5/2021
In Search of a Low Impact Design for the Cambridge Approaches 16/5/2021
EWR’s ‘Comparison of Factual Data’ Tables 9/5/2021
The Great Wall – Part 2 26/4/2021
Rebuttal of Appendix F 24/4/2021
East West Rail – How Dare You? 23/4/2021
From Ermine Street to Chapel Hill 16/4/2021
Shelford Action Group’s Hustings for the County Council Elections 13/4/2021
The Great Wall 11/4/2021
Webinars and Fundraising 7/4/2021
Webinar Programme Spring 2021 20/3/2021
Professor Emeritus David Feldman QC (Hon), FBA joins Cambridge Approaches legal team 19/3/2021
Rebuttal of EWR’s reasons for preferring a southern approach into Cambridge 16/3/2021
Webinar: Fair Consultation on a Northern Approach to Cambridge (2) 12/3/2021
Webinar: Cambridge to Newmarket Corridor 7/3/2021
Was There a Fair Consultation on a Northern Approach to Cambridge in 2019? 3/3/2021
Webinar: Fair Consultation on a Northern Approach to Cambridge 27/2/2021
Parishes call for a Fair Consultation on CBRR Route 24.2.2021
Increasing Pressure on the Option E Decision 11/2/2021
What Does the Transport Secretary’s £794M Funding Announcement Actually Mean? 23/1/2021
New Route for Freight Should Be Considered 17/1/2021
A Comparison of Option E and CBRR Part 2 : Residential and Environmental Impact 10/1/2021
CBRR Presentation and Petition 21/12/2020
A Comparison of Option E and CBRR Part 1 : Length and Capital Cost 17/12/2020
Webinar: Night Freight Trains Through Cambridge? 11/12/2020
Freight Night: A Comedy Horror Show Coming Soon to Cambridge 6/12/2020
Please Sign the Petition and Webinars 5/12/2020
Barbastelle Bats: are they important when considering EWR route? 30/11/2020
The Case for an EWR Cambourne North Station 29/11/2020
More Q&A with the EWR Co. (mostly about Freight) 22/11/2020
More Cambridge Approaches Public Webinars on the EWR 19/11/2020
Unexplained Cost Increases for the EWR Central Section 11/11/2020
Webinar for The Eversdens, Harlton, Haslingfield and Harston 6/11/2020
Cambridge Approaches Praises Use of Multi-Modal Corridors for the EWR Central Section 6/11/2020
Is the EWR Central Section a Boondoggle? A Sanity Check on its Business Case. 3/11/2020
Cambridge Approaches Working Group Current Objectives 28/10/2020
District Councillor Supports Cambourne North 22/10/2020
8th October Meeting Presentation 21/10/2020
Logging EWR Survey Activity 21/10/2020
MP Calls for North Cambourne Station Consultation 19/10/2020
Does the EWR Co. Option E Decision meet its Own Assessment Criteria? 12/10/2020
EWR Impact on Farming and UK Food Security 8/10/2020
Suggested topics in letters to Anthony Browne MP 6/8/2020
Radio telescopes and discussions with MRAO 28/9/2020
Option E Webinars 16/9/2020
Progress Update 2 12/9/2020
Possible Rail Routes 7/9/2020
FOI Response from East West Rail 4/9/2020
Let’s Restart the Conversation 28/8/2020 *** Updated 20/10/2020***
Radio Coverage 24/8/2020
Progress Update 23/8/2020
Cambridge Approaches Action Group 16/8/2020

EWR Ecological Survey Experience June 2020 15/8/2020

FOI Request Sent to EWR 6/8/2020
Formation of the Cambridge Approaches Group 2/8/2020