Support Us

Your support could be vital to our campaign – If you would like to support us this is how you can help.

Letter writing

In order to have your voice heard it is important to write letters/emails to the people that represent us. If you do receive a response it would be very helpful to receive a copy of it for reference purposes. Please email us with copies.

Below is the list of email addresses of the people to contact –

Lou Haigh MP
Secretary of State for Transport:

Lord Peter Hendy
Rail Minister:

Angela Rayner MP
Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government:

Local MPs
South Cambridgeshire:
St. Neots and mid cambs

Rachel Reeves MP

Mayor Nik Johnson
Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough:

Cllr Bridget Smith
Leader of South Cambs District Council:

John Torlesse
Natural England

Your local parish, district or county councillors

East West Rail Company

Declaration Rejecting the Route Update Announcement

This is a joint activity with BFARe. The declaration is as follows:

‘This letter is to formally state that the signatories below do not want the East West Rail Company’s proposal as described in the Route Update Announcement.’

To sign the East West Rail Declaration of Opposition, please e-mail your name and first part of your post code to:  Where relevant, please include whether you are an elected official and the ward / district / parish you represent.

A version of the declaration was handed to the Rail Minister Huw Merriman in Person on the 6th September 2023 by Cambridge Approaches. But it is still open for further signatures

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