Cambridge Approaches have made some progress since our last round of webinars back in September. We would like to do an updated webinar initially for residents of The Eversdens, Harlton, Haslingfield and Harston and in conjunction with parish councillors from these villages.
The presentation will be led by David Revell of Cambridge Approaches who is a civil engineer with extensive experience of railway construction and a resident of the area. He will be supported by other CA members of the working and oversight group as necessary.
As before, there will be ample opportunity for residents to ask questions.
The schedule of the webinar is as follows:
We expect the webinars to last about an hour or so.
**** Here is a link to the recording.****

If you have a site for one of these large posters and would like one please email info@cambridgeapproaches.org. They are quite expensive (£40 each) which is the cost we pay to the printer. But in the right place they can be very effective at spreading the word and letting people know how we feel.
3 replies on “Webinar for The Eversdens, Harlton, Haslingfield and Harston”
Hopefully Hauxton and others will have a webinar at some stage .or don’t we get a say !?
Is the webinar being recorded? I’d like to attend but I have a conflicting meeting.
Helen, We will record the meeting and put it on the website. (Technical issues permitting!).