
Logging EWR Survey Activity

You may have noticed an increased level of activity in the area proposed for East West Rail to come from Cambourne to Cambridge South. Survey teams from Arup or EWR Co. looking  at the fields, the wildlife and the general environment as a preparation for a new railway line through our countryside. 

We have an interactive map that shows survey requests received by landowners but this may now be out of date. Please would you be so kind to look at it and see if your are aware of survey locations not on the map. Be aware of a potential GDPR issue here, so it is better to report on your own land rather than others, but also to report on anything seen on public roads / rights of way. 

So, if your land is being surveyed, you have received a request for a survey or you see a survey team on a public highway / right of way that is not recorded please could you update the map?

To add a survey location and label to the map click the add marker icon (a grey balloon shaped icon) under the search box on the map, click the location of the survey and then label it.

This is important as it allows us to have information from which we can detect lines of activity and inform your parish accordingly. 

Handling Survey Requests

We are currently reviewing the pros and cons of accepting survey requests.

12 replies on “Logging EWR Survey Activity”

Survey ,it’s too late in the year for a accurate survey,flora died back until spring, migrants flown,Still waiting for the flocks of wintering golden plover. There is little to see this time of year .

Just a note as there has been surveying in Bourn all this week between Broadway and Cambourne but, as its not my land I am not able to pin the activity on the map.

I have been made aware of activity next week to the west of the recreation ground in Bourn, which is close to Bourn Brook and houses on Caxton Rd.

I was contacted by EWR several months ago with a request to survey my land at Winrose Farm. I have not signed the access license. I have updated the map to identify the land that has been included in EWR’s survey request.

We received documentation asking to survey land on Merrys Farm, Great Eversden but we declined and have not signed the papers.

Hi William, we have just managed to put the location on the map, have drawn a line around the farm land (in several bits!) In their original letter (June 9th) they wanted to survey great crested newts, bats & river corridors and later in the year other types of environmental information. They said this would be covered under the licence and be discussed with us before accessing our land. Hence our decision not to sign the contract. They included a map with their letter, it involved our whole farm 77hectares.

People were on the outside the surgery on the bridge and outside the electrical junction with clipboards on Wednesday too.

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